The World
Delhi, 15 July 2022
Continuing Ukraine War
By Dr D.K. Giri
(Prof. International Politics,
The war in Ukraine continues. No expert or
leader can predict when it ends. Since it is a proxy war for all we know
between Russia and the United States and its allies, one can pontificate on the
attitudes of the countries at war. International political realists argue that,
now-a-days, the wars between the big powers do not simply become wars – they turn
out to be matters of prestige. The Ukraine war seems to have entered that
prestige phase.
The Russian President Putin wants annexation
of Ukraine, or parts of the country, at any cost. The western powers, led by
America maintain that a protracted conflict gives them an opportunity to
entangle and enervate Russia economically and militarily. Ukraine is fighting
desperately for its independence and sovereignty. None of these countries seem
to be bothered about the human costs.
In any war, there are victors and vanquished,
winners and losers. Prima facie, the winners are the United States, China and
India and the losers are Russia, European Union and Ukraine. According to Marc
Saxer, German political-economic-strategic analyst from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung,
a think tank of the Social Democratic Party, US may be fighting its
geo-political rival Russia to the last Ukrainian standing. Washington has
managed to deplete the Russian aggressive power and deflect the pressure
against nato’s eastern flank. The
NATO has revived after the vacillations during Trump years. Germany has
accepted responsibility to guarantee the security from the Baltics to the Sahel.
The opposition to 2 per cent GDP has given way to massive rearmament programme.
Saxer conjures that in the medium run, the change of stands by Germany may
lighten the US burden in Western Eurasia, so that Washington can give its
attention to the hegemonic struggle with China in East Asia.
China is a gainer as Russia is depleted.
Beijing gets Moscow as a junior partner. The Russian gas companies will supply
to China at a cheaper rate than the market prices. China becomes the only rival
to the US. India continues to stand with both Western bloc as well as Russia. New
Delhi buys Russian oil at a hefty discount. It is not clear where India
positions herself in the international geo-politics in the longer run. For now,
protagonists of India’s foreign policy pat themselves on their back for taking
a neutral stand on Ukraine war. I have argued in this column more than once if
that has been a right stand.
The European Union has failed to read Moscow’s
mind and has been disturbed by the Russian aggression in Eastern Europe. The
European Union had to fall back on United States to prevent Russia from
disturbing the East European order. Both Germany and France have to
staggeringly enhance their expenses for hard power. They will have to find
alternative sources of supply of gas. Europe got caught between USA for its
security and Russia for energy supply. The deficit in European Union’s foreign
and defence policy got exposed in the wake of Ukrainian war.
Ukraine is of course the biggest loser. It
has become a pawn like Afghanistan between two big powers – USA and Russia. It
has suffered heavy loss of men and material in addition to territory. Ukraine
may not have had any other choice than fighting back for its independence, as
the Russian forces marched in. But, the question is could it have avoided the
war by refusing the Western overtures. That was not to be. Ukraine must fight
to the finish or find a way to ceasefire and then cessation of the war.
That said, let us explore the scope for New
Delhi’s intervention as a peace-broker which may catapult India to the world
stage. New Delhi has conducted its international affairs on a platform of
neutrality which was called ideologically and strategically, non-alignment. I
have argued consistently that this policy was neither desirable nor doable. A
discussion on the efficacy of non-alignment is out of the purview of the
current formulation. India has participated in the military operations
externally, by sending troops to UN peace-keeping missions in countries like
Sudan, Kosovo and Congo. New Delhi also has stayed away from the Gulf war in
1990s or American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11. India has stayed
neutral in Ukraine.
India’s neutrality has not paid off in
anyway, rather it has harmed India’s interests. New Delhi did not learn of this
lapse after China annexed Tibet in 1950s and later in Chinese aggression on the
country and annexation of Indian territories. The Western powers had expected
India to join their bloc as China was breathing down India’s neck. The
situation after so many years remains the same. China is at India’s border.
India could perhaps take two diplomatic steps
– one, inward, and another to help resolve the Ukrainian crisis. New Delhi has
to rethink its neutrality and make strategic partners. The obvious partner is
the Western bloc for two reasons. One is to enhance its GDP to 10 trillion USD
from under 3 trillion USD at present. In order to do so, New Delhi has to
engage with G-7 economies. It should complete the FTA negotiations with the EU and
Britain. Second reason for going to the West is to secure itself against
Chinese incursion into Indian territory. Some experts are suggesting that Quad
could be turned into a military alliance of sorts. India could nudge Quad into
going down that road. On the contrary, New Delhi seems most reluctant of all in
militarising Quad.
India’s smart and strategic military
alliances will secure her from Chinese threats and possible aggression, minimise
the enormous military expenditure, and reduce her dependence on Russia. According
to SIPRI estimate in International Arms Transfers (2021) factsheet, “India was
the world’s largest importer of major arms in 2017-21 and accounted for 11 per
cent of total global arms import in the period”. Is this military strategy
sustainable or advisable for a developing country with 2.7 trillion economy? Is
it realistic to engage in an arms race with China, whose economy is around 14
trillion USD? The disarmament experts show that the cost of one fighter
aircraft can run the primary schools of the entire country for 20 years and
likewise, cost of a submarine will run the old-age homes for a similar period. The
estimate may not be exact but the principle holds.
Today, India draws greater respect and
attention from the world community. It is a democracy, respects rule-based
world order, freedom and human rights across the world. Can India use that
goodwill to mediate in the war and bring it to an end? I have argued before
that India should bring about a rapprochement between Russia and USA, since the
major threat to the world system comes from China. India should thus decouple
Russia from China, and make Western powers see the real danger to world
politics and security. This is a tall order but not impossible. The great
statesmen are known for breaking such new grounds. Our Prime Minister is
well-placed to perform this challenging role and it is certainly worth his
while. --- INFA
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