Open Forum
New Delhi, 30 January 2013
By Dharmendra Nath
The police in a modern State is for society’s
protection and safeguarding the public in pursuit of its legitimate interests.
Yet in our country, there is a widespread impression that the State uses the
police more against the citizens than for them. People still find it hard to
forget the Emergency misuse of police for arrests and family planning
sterilizations. Today, public-private participation may be the flavour of the
moment but police-people participation is such a no-no. Why? Does our Government
ever think of it?
The reality is that images of
police-public interface are almost entirely dominated by a laathi (stick) and tear
gas wielding police. There are no friendly smiles anywhere when the police is
around, only frowns, fights and much worse. It reaches a breaking point when
there are allegations of fake encounters, custodial deaths and hostile
retribution. Why should the picture be so bleak?
For an answer there is need to look
beyond the individual. Occasionally, an individual may be at fault – and there
is no dearth of well-motivated staff either – but more often it is the system
which is to blame. We suffer from a systemic failure on the police front.
On the one hand, we recently saw massive
protests against the mishandling of the Delhi
gang rape case and police lethargy and on the other subsequent police
overreaction against the protesting public. Sadly, the law is being used
against the people leaving the criminals in the background. It only shows that the
police is slow where public interest is involved and over active where it
involves State authorities. Is this not a perfectly colonial mind set? Whose
interest should the police be serving?
The weighty police reforms and the
Supreme Court’s directions to the Government of 2006 is best avoided here, as
it may imply ruffling too many egos and dislodging powerful vested interests. Instead,
let us confine ourselves to more mundane procedural matters, which if attended,
can still heal a lot of public grievance.
Prompt medical treatment of an
accident/crime victim is still an unresolved problem. If one picks up a victim
and drops him at the nearest hospital door one is more likely than not to run
into trouble with the police. Its questioning and investigation will probably
start with that person and all sorts of demands will make his life miserable.
Maybe he is a helpful angel, but the police may in the end even nail him with
the offence if it sees no other way out! That is a fearful prospect and it
deters many law-abiding citizens from answering the call of duty and extending
the help they would otherwise willingly extend. The fault is systemic. Even
supervisory officers of the police are unlikely to fault their subordinates with
this approach.
There should be some provision in the
law and procedure for protecting the privacy of the helpful person and
honouring his freedom not to get involved any further with subsequent police
investigation and court prosecution. In its absence, wonder how many out of
lakhs of those participating in candle-light protest march in favour of the
recent Delhi
rape victims would have mustered the courage to pick them up and take them to a
hospital on that fateful night.
There are helpful court rulings to
ensure prompt medical attention once the victim reaches the hospital but the
problem of legal/police wrangle in reaching them to the hospital still remains.
If this problem is overcome there will be much greater cooperation of the
public with the police and victims of accidents and crime will also get prompt
If there can be an Amnesty scheme
for Black money people as an exception, why not a small exception to the
general rule for these emergency cases? The fall out will be tremendous. The police
will immediately acquire a friendly face.
Secondly, is the issue of police
power of arrest. That is another systemic dispensation. Many times it is
exercised arbitrarily. The police calls people for questioning and then they
suddenly get arrested. This comes as a shock to the people involved causing
much disruption in their lives. Why can’t this power be subjected to judicial
scrutiny before it is exercised as a matter of due care and precaution? Power
to arrest without a warrant is a colonial vestige. If an offence is made out
after questioning by all means let the police secure a warrant of arrest for
that person from the concerned judicial authority after presenting the case
instead of springing a surprise.
This is crucial since many offences
differ only in shades of gravity. There is a thin line dividing cases of 279
IPC from those of 304 and 304A IPC. So is it in many cases of 379, 392 and 395
IPC and 323 – 326 IPC. A little twist and the nature of the offence and its
gravity change. The accused may become liable to arrest without a warrant, which
otherwise should not be. The police image with the public will get an upgrade
if this element of possible arbitrariness is removed. Every arrest should be
post judicial scrutiny. Of course, there will be exceptions, for example in
cases where the object clearly is to prevent occurrence of a crime. Legal
educator Prof Madhava Menon has been pleading for it for a long time. But who
As it is, there is judicial scrutiny
of every arrest when the accused is produced before a judicial magistrate
within 24 hours of arrest but many times the police deliberately makes the arrest
on Fridays after closure of courts. As a result the accused is unable to
present his case properly before the magistrate. If judicial scrutiny precedes
arrest it would avoid harassment.
Thirdly, the issue of lodging a
First Information Report (FIR) with the police is a continuing running sore point
spoiling police–public relations. Reporting of any crime to the police is a big
hassle. There are agitations, gheraos
and approaches to higher ups to get a FIR registered. Many times in a vengeful
mood the police implicates the complainant itself in the alleged crime. The police
discourage registering of FIRs firstly, to reduce their workload and secondly,
to show a better performance by a statistical interpretation. But this is
counterproductive and its gain will never match the loss of trust with the
people, whom they are meant to serve. It spoils the relationship of the police
with the people ab initio.
Suppressing a FIR is totally unfair
and hiding behind the defence of scrutiny before registering it is equally
unfair. Matters don’t improve by suppressing the mere registration of crime.
Let facts not be suppressed. Also, nothing prevents us from taking appropriate
action in cases of false and misleading FIRs. So, why demur? So long as the
police shirk registration FIRs police-people rapprochement will remain an empty
These procedural changes can make all
the difference to the way the police is viewed by the society even if we do not
dislodge the powers-that-be from their controlling positions in safe commanding
ivory towers. ---INFA
India News and Feature Alliance)