New Delhi, 24 August 2006
11th Plan Approach Paper
By T.D. Jagadesan
Accelerating the GDP growth in
agriculture to around four per cent as envisaged in the Approach Paper for the
Eleventh Plan (2007-12) is not an easy task.
Actual growth of agricultural GDP, including forestry and fishing, was
only one per cent per annum in the first three years of the Tenth Plan and even
the most rosy projections for 2005-06 and 2006-07 would limit this below two
per cent for the full five-year period as rightly pointed out by an eminent
economist recently. The challenge posed
is to more than double the growth rate achieved in the Tenth Plan. This will require action on both the demand
and supply sides.
On the demand side there is
evidence that farmers face adverse demand conditions. Not only has agricultural
growth been low in the last decade, the prices received for agricultural
products have also failed to keep pace with the costs or the general price
level and, as a consequence, profitability has declined. Several exercises suggest that a four per
cent growth of agriculture will not substantiate from the demand side unless aggregate GDP growth is much higher than eight
per cent.
Some of the steps already taken,
such as the recently-introduced National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme,
will help the demand side in the 11th Plan. The emphasis on
expanding access and improving
quality of public sector schools and health facilities may also help by
reducing the need for private expenditure on these items by lower income groups
and some of this expenditure will be redirected to generate demand for
agriculture. Improved rural connectivity envisaged through Bharat Nirman can
also trigger growth.
The supply side challenge of doubling
agricultural growth is also formidable.
This is especially so because no dramatic technological breakthrough
comparable to the “green revolution” is presently in sight. We are also not exploiting the potential of
existing technology. In fact, most of
the growth required, in cereals, pulses and oilseeds is possible merely through plausible yield increase in
currently low yield regions.
The National Commission on Farmers has drawn attention to the
knowledge deficit. To overcome this,
farmers, as emphasized by planners, will need effective links to universities
and best practices. A good extension system can achieve this linkage but
unfortunately the system has virtually collapsed in most States, partly as a
result of constraints on non-Plan expenditure.
Lack of the credit at reasonable
rates is a persistent problem, reflecting the collapse of the cooperative
credit system. The failure of the
organized credit system in extending credit has led to excessive dependence on informal sources usually at
exorbitant interest rate. This is the
root of farmer distress, a most regrettable
one. Accelerated agricultural growth will require diversification into
horticulture and floriculture which in turn imply structural changes in the
relation between agriculture and non-agriculture. Agricultural scientists agree on this.
Diversification requires effective marketing linkages, supported by modern
marketing practices.
As farmers adopt new technology,
and increase input intensities, they also face larger risks. These risks are
often not well understood owing to lack of knowledge of the requirements of new
seeds and new technology. All farmers do
not have the ability to bear downside risks. Thus, we have seen farmer suicides
when new seeds fail to deliver expected output, or when expenditure on bore
wells proves infructuous, or when market prices collapse, as has been rightly
emphasized. Farmers should be protected
against such risks by appropriate measures.
The agricultural strategy for the
11th Plan, many opined, must be based on recognition of the need for
strategies specific to different agro-climatic zones. The nature of the technical constraints and
crop development possibilities vary
considerably. Viable policy packages must be devised for each zone keeping
these variations in mind. This will need to be incorporated in the design of
future plan schemes with improvements in Plan implementation and in
administrative structure.
In the long run, growth in
agricultural productivity can be sustained only through continuous
technological progress. This calls for a well considered strategy for
basic research, which is now all the more urgent in view of mounting pressure on scarce natural resources, climate change
and also the shrinking availability of spill-overs. The 11th Plan will have to focus
on the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) to strengthen its basic
research component. The country’s large agricultural research system needs to
be thoroughly revamped and restructured in the light of the advice rendered by
the high powered committees chaired respectively by Dr. Swaminathan and Dr.
R.A. Mashelkar.
Water is critical input for
agriculture and this calls for expansion of irrigation. Where it is possible and better water management in rainfed areas
where assured irrigation is not possible. This is clearly an area where past policies
have been inadequate. Performance in expanding irrigation has been
disappointing with resources being spread thinly over many projects and a large
number of irrigation projects remaining under construction for many years.
Investments in the major and
medium irrigation sector will require large sources from the State Governments
supported by Central assistance.
However, implementation of these projects by State Governments is also
important. Along with expansion of
irrigation facilities, steps need to be taken to ensure that water is
distributed equitably and that it is used efficiently. Participatory Irrigation
Management (PIM) by organized water user associations
empowered to set water charges, collect and retain substantial part of it,
would help to maintain field channels, expand irrigated area, distribute water
equitably. The 11th Plan must
expand reliance on PIM on a large scale.
Water is also critical for more
than 60 per cent of cultivable land that is un-irrigated and rainfed. Groundwater
management is critical for these areas and will therefore need much more
focused attention in the 11th Plan.
Water must be recognized as a scare resource and every drop needs to be
used efficiently. In this context, it
must be recognized that some existing policies followed by the State
Governments contribute to the problem.
Watershed management, rainwater
harvesting and ground water recharge can help augment water availability in
rainfed areas. The National Rainfed Areas Authority contemplated to be set up
in the current year provides a vehicle for developing action plans for rainfed
areas in close consultation with State Governments.
With an estimated 80 million hectares
needing treatment, and average expenditure of Rs.10,000 per hectare, the total
requirement of funds is about Rs.90,000 crore, according to pundits. For this
magnitude of funding to be feasible during the 11th Plan, it is
absolutely essential that these
programmes be covered with or at least supplemented by the Employment Guarantee
Programme formulated by the torch-bearers of the Delhi Administration. ---INFA
India News and Feature Alliance)